Worker Ownership Is Resistance
Posted on in Co-ops by John Luther
This a dark day for many of us in the United States. A government that we believe will undermine the fundamental values of our country and harm vulnerable citizens has assumed power. While no one can predict the future, if their stated plans are any indication, we are in for a tumultuous four years that could erase over a century of progress for working people.
We refuse to let them discourage us or distract us from what we want to accomplish with Limeleaf. In our view, the best way to resist the coming chaos is to stay focused on our goals, support each other, and contribute to our communities (real and virtual). Moderating our media consumption probably won't hurt, either.
We must also educate people about why the worker co-op model is a great way to run a business (note that I didn't say corporation), regardless of political persuasion. Research shows that "Worker cooperatives are more resilient to economic shocks, experience lower turnover, and have higher productivity levels."
There is a persistent cliché that co-ops are bastions of Socialism. This is false. While many co-op enthusiasts lean to the Left, there is nothing political in the Seven Cooperative Principles (the "rules" for how co-ops are managed). The co-op community includes anti-capitalist vegan Anarchists, but it also includes dairy farmers, grocery wholesalers, music retailers, bankers, hardware store clerks, and many more kinds of folks.
We see the tech worker co-op movement gaining traction. Since we started Limeleaf last March, we've connected with dozens of worker co-ops and aspiring co-op founders seeking guidance. Media coverage of cooperatives has increased, and there's rising interest in using worker ownership to revitalize struggling industries. In fact, 2025 is literally the International Year of Cooperatives. These developments are reasons for hope; when people are financially independent, they are empowered to oppose injustice, oppression, and corruption.
Today is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day; let us remember and honor Dr. King's tireless advocacy for workers and his hope for the future.