"Company" blog posts we've written about.

Introducing Diggetal

Company  Diggetal 

We started Limeleaf to work with smart people on interesting tech projects that make a difference.

But we also did it to have fun, learn new things, and fall in love again with tech.

Today we launched Diggetal, an initiative dedicated to tinkering around with small projects.

We Are Changing Our Domain


This morning, Blain educated me about the history of the .io top-level domain. I didn't know that history when I bought limeleaf.net last year before teaming up with Blain and Erik.

limeleaf.net wasn't available then, but to my surprise and delight, it was this morning, so I bought it.

All Limeleaf site traffic and email now redirect from limeleaf.io to limeleaf.net, and I have donated $50 to Chagossian Voices.

Step 0 of Starting a Tech Worker Co-Op: Define Your Goals

Company  Co-Ops 

Worker cooperatives ("co-ops") are a growing alternative to traditional hierarchical tech company structures, which often rely on venture capital funding. Unlike conventional startups that take VC money in exchange for an equity stake, co-ops prioritize worker ownership, democratic decision-making, and profit sharing and strive to embody the 7 Cooperative Principles established by the International Co-operative Alliance.